Dec 12, 1492
Columbus sails to the new world
Sir Walter Raleigh starts a colony on the island of Roanoke
Colony fails when he comes back from Europe and nobody remains -
Virginia Dare, first European child born in America
King James I divided the Atlantic seaboard in two, giving the southern half to the London Company (later the Virginia Company) and the northern half to the Plymouth Company.
Jamestown was formed
More men and supplies sent to Jamestown
Not only to help the failing colony but boost the tobacco growth -
First African slaves came over to the new world In Jamestown to help with tobacco growth
Pilgrims came over for religous freedom in Massachusetts
The first thanksgiving
Crown gave Cecilius Calvert 12 million acres of land to form the colony of Maryland
William Penn founded the colony of Pennsylavania
War between England and France was officially declared, The french and Indian war,To send England in debt for the revolutionary war
Treaty of Paris signed, Gave England the terretories. England, in debt, taxed the colonies until they were 100% fed up and later revolted