
New Truck

  • Monthly Payment

    Monthly Payment
    I plan to save $16000 by saving 300$ a month our of each paycheck for almost five years for a new truck.
  • Period: to

    New Truck

    Take $300 out of my paycheck each month
  • Montly Payment

    Montly Payment
  • Monthly Payment

    Monthly Payment
  • Monthly Payment

    Monthly Payment
  • Monthly Payments after 15 months

    After a year and a couple months i have saved 4,500$ by putting away 300$ out of each paycheck for 15 months.
  • Monthly payments after 2 years and 3 months

    I have 8,100$ saved up.
  • After 3 years and three months

    I have 11,700$ saved up by taking 300$ out of each paycheck for 3 years and three months.
  • Monthly Payment for 4 years and 3 months

    I have saved 15,300 for 4 years and 3 months by saving 300$ out of each paycheck.
  • Monthly Payment of only 100$ to finally reach my goal of 16,000$

    Monthly Payment of only 100$ to finally reach my goal of 16,000$