1970-1980, significant computer inventions

By EMR07
  • The "Mouse"

    The "Mouse"
    A still used device that a user can control the arrow/cursor with, through cable, adapter or Bluetooth. Computer mice are commonly used to game and make it easy to scroll up or down on a computer. Though the concept of the mouse for a computer was already thought of in the 60's, in finally came into creation in 1970.
  • Period: to

    TCP & IP

    Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol form the "basis" of the internet we know today, allowing the transmission of data across networks. This helps us find locations, send emails, and write other documents online. There is no known specific time of creation in the 70's.
  • The Microprocessor

    The Microprocessor
    The Intel 4004 was the first microprocessor which could process data in 4-bits chunks. Doesn't sound too great but led up to newer and improved CPU's. Without them we wouldn't have such feature on our computer today.
  • Ethernet

    A system of wired computer networking technologies that are commonly used to connect devices in local area, different from internet. This also led to the creation of ethernet cables, which are used today by mostly gamers.
  • The Apple II

    The Apple II
    One of the world's first personal computers and had color with a built-in keyboard. It made home computing more popular in world, mostly the U.S. This made computers seen for their capabilities and continue to improve with time.