New Religious Movements

  • Gentle Wind Project Founded

    The Gentle Wind Project was founded in 1983. It was a research center that promoted wellness methodology using Chinese medicine.
  • Members Join

    This Project was seen as a "healing" institution that would allow members to purchase tools that would promote healing and mental well being. Different tools did different things and over 200 were created.
  • The project gains traction

    More and More people started to join, typically those who were there longer had the instruments.
  • Members asked to give money

    Members were expected to give money and some original members remarked that they gave large amounts.
  • What it was about

    Leaders would give "spiritual readings" to members via phone. They would also send them cards that described how they should form their personality based on what the spirits told the leaders. Couples who joined were influenced to break up. Lower tiers would quit their jobs to "help" the group and focus only on them. This went on for years.
  • Different activites take place

    There were different rituals that would take place some of them being sexual and involving many people from the group the leaders taught that the energy released from the session can be used for healing
  • Things get worse

    John Miller the leader of the group was the only male allowed in the sexual groups and would call different members in as they contained "the correct energy for the new instrument"
  • Members Speak out

    One member who was apart of the cult for 16 years left and it took her 2 years of therapy to eventually out the group for sexual abuse and manipulation. Another long time member took 5 years to speak out about it.
  • children

    Most of the children that grew up in the group suffer in their development due to neglect of parents.
  • members notice the negatives

    Members noticed that there was no friendship among any of the other members that wasn't influenced by the leaders. Members made less and less independent decisions. Everything was manipulated. Emotions, treatment, and decisions.
  • Now

    The amount of money generated by the group is given to the leaders to live in nice places like Florida. The top tiers of the group don't consist of more than 10 people. Some still believe and the group lives on.