New Religious Movement Timeline

  • The founding of Discordianism

    Founded by Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley, also known as Malaclypse the Younger and Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst.
  • Principia Discordia

    The first Discordian religious text that was published by Greg Hill and Kerry Thornley. The text describes the image of Discordian society and the goddess of strife and chaos, Eris.
  • The Sacred Chao and the Law of Fives

    The Sacred Chao and the Law of Fives
    The first ever hand drawn image of one of the major representative symbols of discordianism. Known as the Sacred Chao, similar to that of the Yin and Yang, the side with the Pentagon representing order and the side with the golden apple representing disorder. The Law of Fives entails that everything happens in Fives. The Pentagon is the sign of Fives as it has five sides.
  • The Success of Illuminatus!

    Written by the American writer Robert Anton Wilson and co-authored with Robert Shea. The most successful spread of Discordian ideas. More mainstream than Hill and Thornley's first work.
  • Cosmic Trigger

    An auto-biographical piece written by Robert Anton Wilson that more successfully transmitted Discordian ideas into a broader cultural environment, society.
  • Letter to a Pastor

    Letter to a Pastor
    Kerry Thornley sends a letter to a Pastor in Atlanta, Georgia as his Discordian persona, Jesse Sump. Thornley is creating social commentary of another religion with the inclusion of Discordianism.
  • Discordian History in Media

    Discordian History in Media
    Press and magazine author's such as one named Jesse Walker are publishing articles and zines based on Discordian history and the Bavarian Illuminati. This author is known for conspiracy theory articles about paranoia in the United States. Circa late 1980s
  • The Passing of Malaclypse the Younger

    Greg Hill passed away on July 20th, 2000. This led to the Discordian Archives being passed down to certain Discordian chroniclers. His last project he worked on before his passing was labeled as 'A History of Everything'. Friends and fellow Discordians wrote and shared obits of Greg.
  • Continued Literature: The Prankster and the Conspiracy

    A continuation of Kerry's legacy and contribution to counterculture as a founder of Discordianism and a key inspiration of Illuminatus. Presently is a well rated and received book.
  • Dwarf Planet Eris

    Dwarf Planet Eris
    Astronomer Michael Brown settled on the name "Eris" for a dwarf planet he had been studying due to its nature and the circumstances that were current at the time such as Pluto no longer being a main planet in the solar system. This caught the attention of the Discordian society and he was later contacted by one of their members, Louise Lacey.
  • was created as a source of documentation of the origins, history, and perhaps chaos of the Discordian society. The site is actively engaged through comments and is managed by Discordians who are given access.
  • 50 Years of Chaos

    The year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the first edition of Principia Discordia. This celebration brought up the many mysteries shrouding Discordianism such as its ties to the assassination of JFK. This is due to Thornley being involved with Oswald prior to the incident leading to many conspiracies and of course, chaos.
  • Discordianism Today

    Discordianism continues to shine through in various forms of media such as podcasts, conspiracy articles, Literature, and of course press. The internet has proven to be what conjoins Discordians the most as they can actively chat and share their works with one another.