new religious movement: adonism

By kwaku
  • Neopaganism

    In 1919, a new idea called neo-paganism started. But it wasn't called that until much later, in the 1990s. This delay was because a group called the Thule Society had a similar idea, but they used it to promote harmful and discriminatory beliefs about the German people and their connection to the land.
  • Creation of the adonist society - Adonism.

    Founded in Vienna, Austria, Adonists believe in a god named Adonis, who they think was wrongly seen as evil figures like Satan. They think Adonis will defeat the bad guy (Molchos) in a final battle and bring a golden age of peace. This will last until the universe returns to its natural state of chaos.
  • The Orion Alliance

    The group had big problems in Germany because the Nazi Party, which was now in power, didn't like them and thought they were part of a Jewish-Masonic plot. The group had to change its name to Orion Alliance to survive.
  • The Failed New Adonism

    First attempt to recreate the Adonist Society by Walter Koblizek. He lived in Rosenheim near Munich in West Germany, and published a brochure announcing the re-creation of the group, but nothing more appeared of it, and Koblizek died in 1967.