new relgion movement

  • the beginning

    Charismatic Movement was a build off of Pentecostalism. Which is a form of Christianity but it is believed that your belief is shown in forms of spiritual gifts.
  • Baptism

    Dennis Bennett, the leader of this movement, announced on Easter Sunday of 1960 that he had received baptism of the holy spirit.
  • Behaviors

    once this story head mainstream news, more events and demonstrations of this religion took place. acts like speaking in tongues, praying for healing, etc.
  • Stereotypes

    Many of the churches that adopted these practices were mostly Pentecostal. But avoided the term and label Pentecostal for theological and cultural reasons.
  • The Spread

    Once Bennett resigned from the church he was sent to St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Seattle. From there it acted as the foundation for the charismatic movement where he shared his beliefs and gained many followers.
  • independance

    So, once there was a lot of followers of this new religious movement. They began to leave churches of specific denominations and began their own non denominational churches.
  • Identity

    In 2011 305,000,000 world wide identified as Christians but were also involved in the charismatic movement.
  • to this day

    to this day there are still many independent charismatic churches. And many have come to Christ through these churches. Though what they believe can be a little extreme, the foundations of the bible can still be proclaimed.