Pennsylvanian State Constitution is Written
Was one of the first state constitutions written, Benjamin Franklin was the leader of the convention. With his guidance and the work of multiple other delegates, a document was completed. -
Members met in Philadelphia PA to strengthen the federal government. The new constitution replaced the articles of confederation. -
Articles of Confederation
The purpose was to amend or change the original articles, the changes were so numerous that the leaders decided to replace the articles with an entirely new constitution. -
Fries Rebellion
German Americans of eastern Pennsylvania rose to protest direct tax, this time the taxes were on land, houses, and slaves. When the taxes were attempted to be collected tempers flared. -
New State Constitution
American were writing a new federal constitution, Pennsylvania was becoming dissatisfied with their state condition. -
Whiskey Rebellion
The Whiskey Rebellion and Fries Rebellion were tied to issues of power and both shook Pennsylvanias ideas of government. -
The War of 1812
Sailors from Great Britain harassed Americans ships on the ocean, often the U.S. ships were stopped by British sailors and their cargos were seized. Sometimes U.S. citizens were taken off the ship and ended up forced to join the British Army, after enough complaints were made, the president James Madison decided Britains actions would no longer be tolerated. PA supported this war and contributed supplies and other necessities. -
Battle of New Orleans
General Andrew Jackson defeated a large force of British troops, the Americans around the country rejoiced over the United States. -
Battle of Lake Erie
The war was fought in only two places in PA, the battle was much more important though. Oliver Hazard Perry had defeated the the British and caused their commander to surrender. -
Treaty of Ghent
This treaty with Great Britain was the official end of the War of 1812, the war dragged on until finally Americans were able to reach a peace treaty with England.