New Imperialism

  • The company had gained much control of india

    The British company had already been trying to take over many parts of india
  • Taking over the dutch East india company in 1799

    The Dutch government had modified the company which made them loose control of java
  • Chinese had no reason to question the concept of china as the central kingdom.

    The people didn't have a choice to question China as a kingdom. They also thought that they needed to change stuff in the government rules.
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


  • The nguyen dynasty(1802- 1945) came to power in vietnam

    Thus was when Vietnam was putting an end to the 30 years of peasants. And the Civil war and rebellion.
  • Parliament Delared a slave trade illegal

    Britain started to use big slave ships to transport them back to were so they can have freedom. and then the slaves had established a new colonie
  • America banned slave importation

  • The decline of the atlanic slave trade

    Since the introduction of industrial machines taking over as a replacement to slave, the slave trade began to decline
  • the dutch ruled little more than the island of java.

    The dutch had bought over 3000 miles of land and then processed to get stuff from india
  • The british had found something the chinese would buy: opium.

    During the 1820s the britsh had found opaium and they think that the Chinese would buy a lot of that. And I got bad to the point were opium was smuggled to china
  • Java war

    in 1799, the government took control of the dutch east India company, which led to a war .The war government wanted to transform the company and gain control over java to establish a modern bureaucratic state.
  • The opium war

    A war was carried out due to the British exploring the Chinese and their want for opium using it exploitatively at the Chinese dismay. The result of this would be the British no longer abiding by chia and enacted an expeditionary force on China which created the opium war and lasted 3 years.
  • The Australian government Act

    In 1850 the British parliament passed the Australian colonies Government Act to Australia. During 1902 Australia let women vote in elections in 1902 and the years after.
  • The British empires establishment of control in india

    In the 17th century, the British took control of India after the Portuguese, surpassing their French and Dutch competitors.
    they took over the declining Mughal Empire's authority and governed most of India under the British Empire's disguise,
  • Long Depression

    The cash of the stock in the market in 1873 was due to world powers having overwhelming competition with industrialized countries. The change in century-long practice in the place of lassez faire policy was the raising of tariff borders by Europe and the U.S. against the long depression.
  • Berlin conference

    The berlin conference was a meeting attended by all world powers except Africans that stated the claim of territory to be recognized by "effective occupation."
  • Scramble for africa

    This was the colonization of most parts of Africa by the leading western European powers at the time. this included the likes of great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.
  • A war between Spain and the united states

    This war between Spain and the united states was monumental in changing the leading war powers at the time to what is today, which lasted 3 years 1898 to 1902.
  • 1911 revolution

    this revolution was created by Chinese studying abroad and learning about Western political ideas in the process.