New Identity of US and South Carolina

  • The Great Awakening

    Allowed people to practice whatever religion they prefer. Allowed an escape from religious persecution. Established a safe space in South Carolina.
  • The Molasses Act

    A law passed by Great Britain to tax sugar, rum, and molasses. Allowed Great Britain to have a sense of control over not only South Carolina but the other colonies as well.
  • Iron Act

    Another law passed by Great Britain to keep control over its colonies. This act restricted the growth of the American iron industry to where they had to rely on the supply they were given of raw metals
  • The French and Indian War

    A war that was fought in the colonies between the English and the French. The colonies were used and the people were forced to help fight on the side of the English even though the fight had nothing to do with them.
  • Currency Act

    Another law passed by the British that forbid the American colonies from issuing paper money. The act was later repealed shortly before the colonies became completely independent from the British.
  • Sugar Act

    Act passed by the British to collect extra tax money from the colonies to help pay their debts off to the French. The colonists did not completely follow this law and were able to get away with disobeying their mother country.
  • Quartering Act

    Another British Act passed that forced the colonists to provide shelter,food, clothing, etc. to British soldiers staying in the colonies.
  • Intolerable Acts

    An act that was passed to shut down the entire Boston Harbor following the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea Party was where the colonists dumped loads of British tea into the Harbor. This act was passed as a punishment for the colonies.
  • First Continental Congress

    A group of 55 men formed from the colonies in response to the Intolerable Act being passed. The formation of this congress decided that the colonies needed to become independent from Britain. A huge step towards the independence of the colonies.
  • American Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was signed which finally released the American colonies from British rule.