New Hampshire Colony Founding Dates
King James I granted region between Salem and Merrimac Rivers to John Mason, Sir Ferdinando; granted region between Merrimac and Kennebec Rivers to David Thomson -
Period: to
New Hampshire Colony
The time from when charter was granted to when it became a state. -
Dover Settlement
Dover settlement founded. It is one of the oldest towns over there. -
New Hamposhire Charter
John Mason received the land grant and named the new settlement New Hampshire. -
Massachusetts Gains
Massachusetts Colony gained control of New Hampshire settlements -
First Slave
The first recorded slave in Portsmouth came. This changed everytthing in New Hampshire. -
New Hampshire on it's own
New Hampshire permanently separated from Massachusetts, becoming the Royal Province (colony) of New Hampshire. -
John Wentworth
John Wentworth became New Hampshire's lieutenant governor. He was one of the last well known colony governors for New Hampshire -
Stamp Act
King George III's Stamp Act went into effect, helping New Hampshire want to declare independance -
Declared Independance!
New Hampshire was the first state to declare independence from England.Then, the powder raid occurred -
Constitution Required
New Hampshire is the first state to require constitution be referred to people for approval -
New Hampshire... State Mode
U. S. Constitution ratified; New Hampshire became 9th U. S. state and that ended the colony era for New Hampshire