
New Deal

  • Election of 1932

    Election of 1932
    Franklin D. Roosevelt won office, he promised a "New Deal" for Americans in his acceptance speech. He explained what the New Deal was and the press liked it.
  • What was the First New Deal?

    What was the First New Deal?
    The First New Deal was a series of projects established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the time of the Great Depression. When FDR took office he made it imperative to help american citizens get back on their feet.
  • The 3r's

    The 3r's
    The first New Deal was considered to be a relief, recover, and a reform effort. It was a relief for the unemployed and poor, a recovery for the economy to get back to normal levels, and a reform for the financial system to not repeat the Great Depression.
  • Opponents

    Some of the people who didn't agree with FDR's decision making with the New Deal are Father Charles Couglin, Dr. Francis Townshed, and Huey P. Long. In 1936 the Supreme Court declared FDR's tax on crops to support AAA unconstitutional.
  • Back on track

    Back on track
    After the Great Depression, FDR made lots of improvements to help people get back on track. The Civilian Conservation Corps Act helped the unemployed by giving young men jobs, allows for family relied, paid $30, provided 3 meals a day, and by the end of the program in 1942 more than 3 million had benefited.
  • End of the First New Deal

    End of the First New Deal
    President Franklin D. Roosevelt was considered a hero who saved capitalism from destroying itself and establishing national social security and other programs that provided relief for millions of Americans.
  • The Second New Deal

    The Second New Deal
    The Second New Deal focused on social justice and the creation of a safety net rather than a simple economic recovery, it still had plans for the unemployed, but now more assistance for the working class, elderly, and disabled.
  • Works Progress Administration

    Works Progress Administration
    The Works Progress Administration was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal Agency, employing millions of unemployed people to carry out public works projects, including the construction of public buildings and roads. Critics thought it was meaningless "make work" jobs. There was lots of political corruption and discrimination against African Americans in the south.
  • Election of 1936

    Election of 1936
    During the Second New Deal Franklin D. Roosevelt was re-elected for president. He won 60% of the popular votes and all but two states. By 1940, the Democratic party became the party of the urban working class.
  • Crisis

    The U.S. Supreme Court had already struck down the NIRA and AAA, and during the Second New Deal recent rulings made it seem that Wagner and Social Security were also unsafe. Roosevelt wanted to "reform the court", conservatives complained about presidents's increasing dictatorial powers, but Roosevelt won.
  • End of New Deal

    End of New Deal
    At the end of the Second New Deal FDR was viewed as a socialist, who set America on a course for increasingly invasive government. The New Deal shifted the way people thought about the government, now seen as an entity to respond directly to the crises and take steps to avoid them.