New Deal

  • Period: to

    The New Deal

  • Tennessee Valley Athority

    Tennessee Valley Athority
    This was created in order to help with flooding, food control, and to help with economic development in the Tennessee area. This is still in effect today. It became a model for our government to help other areas that weren't doing so well economically and socially.
  • Public Works Administration (PWA)

    Public Works Administration (PWA)
    The PWA was created by the National Industry Recovery Act and was created for the purpose of creating jobs. The PWA funded and created jobs that were used on government projects like construction of buildings, airports, and dams. It was created to help encourage economic growth and helped create more than 34,000 projects. The program ended in June 1941 because Franklin D. Roosevelt felt that it was irrelevent at this time.
  • Federal Housing Administration

    Federal Housing Administration
    This was put in place to help regulate interest rates and mortgage terms after the banking crisis. This helped many people find affordable homes and is still in effect today.
  • National Youth Administration (NYA)

    National Youth Administration (NYA)
    This administration helped to hire people that were between the ages of 16 and 25. The Work Progress Administation was the group that created the NYA. The NYA provided grants for highschool students in exchange for work. Once war started congress stopped funding the administation and was abandoned in 1943.
  • Social Security Administration

    Social Security Administration
    This was created to provide general welfare to disabled people, old people, and dependent children. This is a very important administration that is still has its effects today. Many people depend on social security and this adminisration made it possible.
  • Banking Act of 1935

    Banking Act of 1935
    This act completed the restructuring of the Federal Reserve and created a board of 7 people to reguate the nations money supply and interest rates on loans. This act was created because of the FDIC.
  • United States Housing Authority

    United States Housing Authority
    This was created by the housing act of 1937 and wanted to lend money to the states or communities for low-cost construction.The USHA was eventually abolished in 1945.
  • Fair Labor Standards Act

    Fair Labor Standards Act
    This act established a minimum wage and a forty hour work week so it was fair to workers. They also helped end child labor by prohibiting the employment of minors. This is still in effect today and helped set the minimum wage and work weeks that we have today.
  • Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act

    Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
    This act gave the power to the FDA to oversee how safe food, drugs and cosmetics were. This is still in effect today and has only been slightly changed due to the definition of what food, drug, and cosmetics are.