
  • 1121

    Ignyian Khanate Collapses

    The khanate that ruled most of ignyia collapses into city states
  • Period: 1121 to 1196

    landmass dominated by warring city states

    the only empires to exist are the golden tower and theva, both of which are mostly pacifists
  • Period: 1196 to 1251

    minor states period

    small states rule the world, the largest being dorthone
  • 1236

    King Aymn Opis takes the throne of khezkhal

    King Aymn Opis takes the throne of khezkhal aged 15, and spends the next 5 years in a stalemate with dorthone
  • 1241

    Aymn Conquers the askum delta

    aymn leaves a token force to protect khezkhal and marches his army to the askum delta, taking the land at the cost of being pushed nearly to khezkhal by dorthone
  • Period: 1244 to 1249

    The Southern Conquest

    Aymn conquers all of southern ignyia
  • 1245

    Dorthone falls to Aymn

    King Aymn, with a two pronged attack, takes the southern khezkhalli floodplane from Dorthone, forcing them to concede defeat
  • 1251

    Empire of Khezkhal Declared

    Aymn declares the empire of khezkhal
  • 1263

    Varrok falls to Khezkhalli naval attack

    2 days after the war was declared, aymn lands a large army in varrok, storming the surprised city before it could prepare its defenses
  • 1263

    Khezkhal declares war on the first varroki empire

    Aymn declares war on the varroki empire
  • 1263

    The varroki massacre

    King aymn murders the captive members of the varroki monarch, leaving varrok headless
  • 1263

    varrok joins the west ignyian alliance

    A month after the government was sacked, varrok joins the western city states for military allies
  • 1264

    The first varroki empire capitulates

    Headless and confused, the varroki empire collapses in 3 months
  • 1264

    The Great Ignyian War

    Aymn declares war on the state of gosenburg and heineburg. All central ignyian states join the west ignyian alliance, which is renamed to the ignyian alliance
  • 1266

    Central ignyia falls to khezkhal

    Aymn conquers central ignyia
  • 1266

    The Great Ignyian War Ends

    White peace between the ignyian alliance and khezkhal after the battle of tarassa
  • 1266

    The battle of tarassa

    the combined fifordian-wiwician navy beat the khezkhalli navy in the tarassan strait. An awful storm ruins the remaining fleet as it escapes. Khezkhalli navy crippled
  • 1267

    all remaining states join the Ignyian Alliance

    all natiosn join the ignyian alliance to deter khezkhal
  • 1297

    Aymn dies, Anor Opis takes the throne of khekhal

    Aymn dies of a stroke aged 76, his son anor succeeds him
  • Period: 1297 to

    The Khezkhalli Downfall

    Khezkhal slowly erodes over 500 years, becoming decadent. The occupied territory is treated more and more poorly, funding to the army and navy declines, and the Opis become widely despised everywhere outside of the blooded desert
  • Khezkhal attempts to annex krae

    khezkhal demands that krae join them
  • Krae invents democracy

    krae invents democracy and use philosophy to insult autocracy
  • The Razing of Krae

    Khezkhal razes Krae for inventing democracy
  • the mithlarast revolt

    The city of mithlarast in varrok rises up and declares a new varroki empire
  • Khezkhal falls apart

    towns all over khezkhal in varrok, central ignyia, dorthone and the shard desert revolt against khezkhal
  • Ignyian alliance declares war on khezkhal

    the thevan leader declares war on khezkhal after the revolt to aid the new nations, all of the alliance follows except the gilded tower, who deny and are kicked out of the alliance
  • Period: to

    the Khezkhalli massacres

    Khezkhal destroys the east ignyian revolts as well as most of dorthone
  • khezkhal pushed to blooded desert

    khezkhal, its armies cripplied, is reduced to only its terriories in the blooded desert. It doubles down on propaganda, starting to turn its civilians into slaves
  • Period: to

    relative peace

  • Ignyian alliance collapses

    With the only driving force behind the ignyian alliance gone, all but varrok and fiford leave it
  • Thevan empire collapses

    Theva loses control of its empire south of the thevan marshes
  • Geiriholm, rolzenburg and deneburg unite to form the FOIS

  • Gosenburg joins the FOIS

  • Heineburg joins FOIS

  • Theva declares war on the gilded tower

  • The battle of one army

    The entire thevan army dies, the southern plane is ruined, the ground no longer suitable for farming. The populace in the area leave, most go to fiford. only 7 thevan soldiers survive, including the general. the thevan camp is discovered by adventurers, ruined and filled with corpses, without any sign of enemy attack
  • Thevan high general commits suicide, Nyra rocke becomes new general

  • Aeries deserts khezkhalli military, leaves for the WSS and becomes leader of Ahris