The first computers
The internet was computers connected that filled up a room. They were used in the cold war. they were used as if one of the computers broke or crashed none of the others would. The cold war ended in 1991 -
The first Network
J.C.K Licklider came up with the idea of connecting computers aso they could talk to each other. -
The first message was sent!
The word LOGIN was sent from one of the governments' computers.This was from Stanford to UCLA. Unfortunately, only the letters LO were actually sent. -
Four computers were connected by the end of the year. By 1971 there was a computer in Norway, London Hawaii and America. -
Messages called 'electronic mails' or emails were first thought of and created. These were sent between ARPANET computers -
Transition Control Protocol (TCP)
TCP this was used to send data between computers back and forth. -
Telephone connection
In the early 90scompanys (like AOL and Compuserve) started to do dial-up internet access. This is a method of connecting to the internet via the telephone. Your telephone line was connected to a modem. The other end was connected to a phone jack. This meant you could use the phone and internet at the same time. -
Erwise was the first browser with a graphical interface. -
Other browsers came before Mosaic but this one made 'surfing the web' more popular. -
Netscape Navigator
Netscape Navigator was the most popular in its time as it was accountable for 90% of the web useage. -
This was the first EVER thong purchased onlind