Net Neutrality

  • Communications act in 1934

    FCC regulated any source of communication through, telephone, tv, radios. Etc.
  • Telecommunications Act of 1996

    Telecommunications Act of 1996 is an act allows the FCC to control broadband infrastructure deployment
  • Punishing Comcast

    “The FCC—then led by Bush appointee Kevin Martin—argued in its decision to punish Comcast that BitTorrent file sharing had "become a competitive threat to cable operators such as Comcast because Internet users have the opportunity to view high-quality video with BitTorrent that they might otherwise watch (and pay for) on cable television."(Brodkin).
  • FCC adopted Net Neutrality Rules

    "In 2010, the FCC adopted a set of
    net neutrality rules known as the Open Internet Order, which
    barred providers from blocking or giving preferential access to particular websites and applications and required more disclosure about their policies” (Ammori).
  • Period: to

    Barbara Stripling

    Stripling starts sharing her concerns of the loss of net neutrality could cause issues with students’ education. Students rely on online material and without net neutrality students do not have equal access to educational materials
  • Bye Net Neutrality

    Through the FCC the eliminated net neutrality, started censoring what we have access to on the internet
  • Net Neutrality Rules Were Approved!

    net neutrality rules were approved by the FCC; net neutrality riles prevents internet users from “playing favorites by deliberately speeding up or slowing down traffic from specific websites and apps” (Fiegerman).
  • Title II of the commutations act

    FCC voted to have the internet as public use.
  • FCC adopts

    FCC adopts Net Neutrality rules.
  • Donald Trump

    Donald Trump got elected as the presidents of the United States and he is known for being against Net Neutrality, Trump shares a tweet that says “Net Neutrality is the fairness Doctrine. Will target conservative media” (Trump).
  • Major Companies

    ”The first test was decided on June 13th when a federal appeals court in a 2-1 vote, affirmed the FCC’s latest net neutrality rules delivering a major defeat to several major cable and telephone companies” (Otelco).

    FCC revoked Net neutrality
  • : Republicans vote to review Ajit Pai proposal of “dismantling net neutrality”

  • Senate Repeals Obamas consumer protection

  • Save the internet Bill-restoring net neutrality