Nessie by camusaltamirano d5ys6em

Nessie timeline

By jtriolo
  • 565

    Saint Columba

    Saint Columba
    The very first sighting of Nessie dates back to the 6th century, when Irish monk Saint Columba, came face to face with a watery beast and banished it back into the depths.
  • Spicers

    George Spicer and his wife saw "a most extraordinary form of animal" cross the road in front of their car.
  • The Wetherell Daily Mail Loch Ness Expedition

    The Wetherell Daily Mail Loch Ness Expedition
    Marmaduke Wetherell arrived at the loch in December 1933 with his photographer, Gustave Pauli and Mr Memory, the Daily Mail journalist.Wetherell Investigates Loch Ness Monster Footprints Wetherell became infamous for discovering footprints on the loch side which turned out to have been made by a hippopotamus foot ashtray which is still owned by his family.
  • "Surgeon's Photograph"

    "Surgeon's Photograph"
    “The Surgeon’s Photo” was taken in 1934 supposedly by Dr Robert Kenneth Wilson but was pronounced a fake In 1975.
  • Sir Edward Mountain Expedition

    Sir Edward Mountain Expedition
    Sir Edward Mountain decided to finance a proper watch. Twenty men with binoculars and cameras positioned themselves around the Loch from 9 am to 6 pm, for five weeks.They took 21 photographs, though none was considered conclusive.
  • Taylor film

    Taylor film
    Taylor filmTaylor, a South African tourist, took one of the best color videos of Nessie in 1938. He captured on film something swimming around the Loch for three minutes.
  • Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau

    Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau
    A UK-based society formed "to study Loch Ness to identify the creature known as the Loch Ness Monster or determine the causes of reports of it." Its main activity was for groups of self-funded volunteers to watch the loch from various vantage points, equipped with cine cameras with telescopic lenses.
  • The Academy of Applied Science Expeditions

    The Academy of Applied Science Expeditions
    A sonar machine was set up beaming outwards into the loch past underwater time-lapse cameras loaned to the Academy by Harold Edgerton of MIT. The results were quite spectacular, or, rather, the comment on the results and what happened to the photographic images was spectacular.
  • The Loch Ness and Morar Project

    The Loch Ness and Morar Project
    The Loch Ness Project was formed by Adrian Shine FRGS who took his first expedition to Loch Morar in the hope that the clear water there coupled with the similar monster tradition could allow them to solve the mystery at a stroke. From very early days Mr Shine managed to attract universities to work with the project and a study of the lochs' biology was begun.
  • "Loch Ness Muppet"

    "Loch Ness Muppet"
    Anthony "Doc" Shiels took some of the clearest pictures of the monster till this day, and has become very popular with the public. Shiels, a magician and psychic, claimed to have summoned the animal out of the water. He later described the animal as an "elephant squid", claiming the long neck shown in the photograph is actually the squid's "trunk" and that white spot at the base of the neck is the squid's eye.
  • Holmes video

    Holmes video
    Holmes video55 year old lab technician Gordon Holmes caught a video of the Loch Ness Monster. He described it as “This jet black thing, about 45 feet (14 m) long, moving fairly fast in the water."
  • Marcus Atkinson - George Edwards

    Marcus Atkinson - George Edwards
    Marcus Atkinson photographed a sonar image of a long 1.5 m wide unidentified object which was apparently following his boat for two minutes at a depth of 23 m. George Edwards published a photograph. It consists in a hump out of the water which, according to him, remained so for five to ten minutes.
  • David Elder's video

    David Elder's video
    David Elder's videoTourist David Elder presented a five-minute video of a "mysterious wave" in the loch.
  • Apple Maps photograph

    Apple Maps photograph
    It was reported that a satellite image on Apple Maps was showing what appeared to be a large creature just below the surface of the water of Loch Ness.