Bust emperor roman nero

Nero Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus

  • 37

    Birth of Nero

  • 50

    Adoption of Nero by Emperor Claudius

  • 53

    Emperor marries Octavia

  • 54

    Nero becomes Emperor

  • 59

    Otho Exiled to Lusitania by Emperor Nero

  • 60

    Boudicca revolts in Britain

  • 62

    Baths of Nero built

  • 62

    Nero marries Poppaea

  • 62

    Pisonian Conspiracy

  • 63

    Vespasian sent to Judea by Nero

  • 63

    The Great Fire of Rome

  • 64

    Roman Coins

    Reduces the weight & percentage of precious metal in Roman coins
  • 66

    Nero competes at Olympia and Delphi 64 CE

  • 66

    Vespasian sent to Judea by Nero

  • 67

    Excavation of Corinth Canal begins, abandoned after three months

  • 68

    Nero Dies

    Senate declares him an enemy of the public and he takes his own life.