Birth of Nepoleon
Nepoleon at Brienne-le-Chateau
Nepoleon at the elite Ecole Royale Militaire
Recieves first military assignment in Valence
Nepoleon was forced to leave Corsica
Promoted as Brigadier General
Imprisoned on suspicion of treachery
Engaged to Desiree Clary
Promoted to Commander of the Army of the Interior
Married Josephine Beauhamais
Leaves Paris to begin the First Italian Campaign
The Battle of Montenette
Triumph of Lodi
Successive victories against Austria
Signed the Treaty of Campo-Formio with Austria
A hero's welcomed to Paris
The Fall of Alexandria
Battle of the Pyramids
Defeat at the Nile
Returns to Paris
The Second Italian Campaign
Concordat between France and Rome
The Treaty of Aimens
Creates the 'Legion d'Honneur"
Sold Loisiana to the USA
Peace Broken with England
Proclaimed Emperor
Crownded King of Italy