First Suspected Case
A long time ago in China, mosquitoes during the summer brought many diseases such as malaria and dengue type illnesses so it suspected to date back to then. It happened during the Jin dynasty so many workers were affected. -
Period: 1219 to
At first, monkeys were the only ones vulnerable to Dengue Fever, and then the virus soon evolved to affect humans. (This happened sometime within this time span) -
Dengue Fever is named its official name
In late 1700's the rapidly spreading disease is given a name based on its symptoms. -
First Confirmed Case
The first confirmed case was in North America. It was recognized and named by Benjamin Rush as 'breakbone fever'. -
Dengue Fever spreads
Dengue fever becomes primarily an Asian disease. It used to be mainly in the americas but after many years almost all cases popped up in asia. -
Foshan City, China infection
In China hundreds became infected with an unknown hemorrhagic fever and for months people suffered to some infection that was not as popular yet. -
Period: to
More countries affected
In 1979, 9 countries were vulnerable to Dengue Fever. Then, in just 40 years the number grew from 9 to 125. The disease is spreading from country to country “due to climate change, urbanization, and migration.” (PMC). -
First appearance in Nepal
The first case of Dengue Fever in Nepal was reported in 2004; however, little to no people caught the disease. Dengue Fever is a mosquito-borne infection, most common in tropical areas of the world. -
35 cases from Nepal
In 2006, 35 cases from Nepal were reported, which would soon increase by a lot. -
Period: to
4 Major hospitals had been filled with People infected with the Fever
For over three months 4 of the largest hospitals in Nepal known as Nepalgunj Medical Hospital, Bheri Zonal Hospital, Tribhuban Hospital and the Narayani subregional hospital were filled with sick patients infected with the fever. -
Disease Spread to Terai
In late 2010 all of the serotypes begin spreading throughout Terai (Fields and Mountainous zones near the coast.) -
In 2010, 917 cases were confirmed and five people died. However, it is believed that many other people had the disease, they just hadn't reported it. -
Disease Spread to Kathmandu
Dengue fever's still is not able to be contained and when it began spreading throughout the mountainous regions so when the capitol was under pressure many either left or became infected it now leaves a destructive path throughout the capitol -
In November of 2016, Dengue Fever had a major outbreak. 5769 people were infected. -
67.4% of Dengue Fever Cases are Male
In 2016, many workers became infected with the disease. Most cases, 67.4% of them, were men, because the female workers worked inside while the men worked outside. -
5th Serotype Diagnosed in Nepal
In Nepal there are 4 serotypes (Different symptoms but same virus) until early 2016 where they have`found a fifth type that scientists can begin to develop a vaccine for. -
22 people affected in a single day in a Rural Area
In rural parts of Pokhara, Nepal, 22 people were infected and showed manifestation symptoms of Dengue fever within hours. Making it one of the worst cases in the history of the disease. -
In the present
Currently, nearly 390 million people are affected a year. (PMC)