
  • Leaders and Writers

    Leaders and Writers
    Jacques-Louis David was the leader of neoclassicism and Eugene Delacroix, Antonio Canova and John Flaxman were all writers.
  • Places

    Rome was the place where neoclassicism was born and Europe was the place that they expanded and grew out.
  • Important Events

    Important Events
    Dec. 4, 1660 Charles II restored to the english. Dec. 4, 1666 The Great Fire of London happened. Dec. 4, 1713 The first journals were published. Dec. 4, 1755 they created the dictionary. Dec. 4 1748 Samuel Johnson died. Dec. 4, 1789 the French Revolution begins.
  • Important Ideas

    They had good thoughts and ideas about music and art. They took a lot of time to create the wonderful pieces of art they have made. They enjoyed doing literature and they enjoyed creating music.
  • Pieces of Literature

    Pieces of Literature
    Novel-Rising from the ruins by-Bruce C. Swaffield
    Poem-The elegy written in a Country Churchyard by-Thomas Gray
    Drama-The death of Titus' Father by-Titus
  • Time Period

    Time Period
    Neoclassicism took place during 1660-1798.