Niels bohr

Niels Bohr- Oct 7, 1885 - Nov 18, 1962

  • Born

    Niels Bohr was born to his father, Christian Bohr, a psychology professor and his mother, Ellen Adler, daughter of a wealthy Danish politician. (Stewart 1)
  • Period: to

    Niels Bohr

    Niels Bohr was a famous scientist whose research changed the view of atoms, specifically how electrons orbit the nucleus.
    link text
    Works Cited
    “Niels Bohr.” PBS, Public Broadcasting Service,
    Stewart, Doug. “Niels Bohr.” Famous Scientists,
  • Undergraduate Degree

    Bohr graduated from high school and began studying for his bachelor of science with a major in Physics from the University of Copenhagen.
  • Masters Degree

    Bohr graduated with his Master degree in Physics.
  • Ph.D.

    Bohr earned his Ph.D. of Physics from the University of Copenhagen
  • Married Margrethe Norlund

    Married Margrethe Norlund
    Niels Bohr and Margrethe Norlund married and later had six sons, one of which follow in his father foot steps and pursued a degree in Physics, and eventually won a Nobel Prize. (Stewart 1)
  • Developed the atomic model

    Developed the atomic model
    At the time the model of the atom was proposed by Ernest Rutherford, which "suggested the atom had a miniature, dense nucleus surrounded by a cloud of nearly weightless electrons." (Public Broadcasting System 1) In 1913, Bohr proposed that the electrons, in fact, had stable orbits in which they could jump between orbits which then would produce radiation.
  • Founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics

    Founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics
    Bohr became a professor at the University of Copenhagen, which during his time he founded the Institute of Theoretical Physics. Bohr was the director at the Institute for the remainder of his life, with the exception of his time during World War II.
  • Received the Nobel Prize in Physics

    Received the Nobel Prize in Physics
    Bohr received the Nobel Prize for the work he did towards the atomic model
  • Died

    Niels Bohr died of sudden heart failure at the age of 77