Neil Armstrong

  • Birth

    Born in Wapakoneta, Ohio on August 5th.
  • Earns Pilot's Licnese

    Earns Pilot's Licnese
    Armstrong recieves his pilot's license at at 16, before he recieves his driver's license.
  • Armstrong Attends College

    Armstrong Attends College
    Neil received a Navy Scholarship to Purdue University where he majored in aeronautical engineering.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
    Armstrong is enlisted in the Korean War during his time in college.
  • Armstrong Joins NASA

    In preparation for the Apollo mission, Armstrong is admitted into NASA.
  • Selected for NASA astronaut corps

    Selected  for NASA astronaut corps
    NASA selects Neil Armstrong for a future space launch.
  • Command Pilot of Gemini 8

    Along with Pilot David Scott, Armstrong successfully performs the first space docking between spacecraft.
  • Back-up Commander

    Armstrong serves as a replacement commander for Apollo 8, and is later offered commanding position in Apollo 11
  • Apollo 11

    NASA launches Apollo II
  • Man On The Moon

    Man On The Moon
    Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to walk the moon.
  • Armstrong Retires

    Armstrong retires from NASA and becomes a college professor, Professor of Engineering at the University of Cincinnati
  • Chrysler Spokesman

    The company, Chrysler, requests Armstrong to help with business and advertising. This leads to further spokesperson opportunities for Armstrong.
  • Astronaut Hall of Fame

    Armstrong is inducted into the Astronaut Hall of Fame
  • Autobiography

    Armstrong finishes writing his autobiography and realses it to the public.
  • Death

    Neil Armstrong dies at 82 years old.