NEIDL Project Proposed
$128 million BSL-4 laboratory -
Lawsuit filed
Community members file lawsuit against NIH, the Trustees of Boston University, and the Boston Medical Center Corporation. -
Two Researchers Fall Ill in a BU lab
Two researches fell ill in one of BU's other biolabs, and BU failed to inform the public about it. -
Another Researcher Falls Ill
Another researcher falls ill and again BU does not inform anyone -
Blue Ribbon Panel Formed
Panel comprised of indepedent scientists and experts -
Construction of NEIDL Stage 4 Completed
NEIDL expected to bring in $98 million a year, create 297 jobs, and 380 jobs in retail, construction, and other local industries -
National Institutes of Health Blue Ribbon Panel for Risk Assessment Hearing
Hearing held at the Marriot Copley Plaza Hotel with an audience of about 200 -
BSL-2 Research begins
BSL-3 Research Begins
BSL-4 Research Hearing