Negative and Positive Events from 1914 - 1929

  • 1st Battle of Ypres

    1st Battle of Ypres
    The battle of ypres was a hard fought battle, with many casualties. This brings me to the question, was it worth it; by how much? No, 1-, I believe it was not worth it to fight the 1st battle of ypres. This is mainly due to the fact that the casualties accumulated by the allies were nere double the amount accumulated by the germans. This along with the fact that nothing really happened. After they had a little quarrel, the germans and allies were to dig trenches where they sat for years on end.
  • 2nd Battle of Ypres

    2nd Battle of Ypres
    Alike the other battle of ypres the 2nd also had many of losses and casualties compared to the Germans, the British alone had almost double the amount of casualties the Germans had. On the other hand the British and French also made some progress towards ypres, although not enough to outweigh the factor of casualties overall this fight was necessary to win the war; 1+.
  • Vimy Ridge

    Vimy Ridge
    During this memorable fight there was an act of great intelligence. This act being the creeping barrage and to dig tunnels. These ideas were what made Canada a force to be reckoned with and to be afraid of. This fight was by far a 2+ as it made Canada more recognizable and more independent from the British shadow, meanwhile it was a big boost of morale for the allies as it wasn't pierced for a long time as other nations tried and failed.
  • Passchendaele

    Another horrifying fight and another extremely unnecessary one. All that happened in the fight of passchendaele was people died and humankind created the most unnatural piece of land with dead trees, no animal life, and no greenery. Just flooded trenches and pillboxes. It was so bad that people's dead bodies would be floating in water and you would be able to just see the head, which would be a very traumatic experience for anyone who witnessed it; 2-.
  • Last Battle of Amiens

    Last Battle of Amiens
    This battle was a horrible waste of everything, lives, money, materials and so much more. This fight deserves a 2- as it caused so many unnecessary things to happen. The last death of ww1 or arguably the last death of ww1, destroying a town even further than it already has been and acting like we just want to fight to fight. It made everything worse and wasn't necessary to win the war.
  • Women Gain the Right to Vote

    Women Gain the Right to Vote
    This topic doesn't seem very controversial but when you dig a bit deeper you can see why it was. Back then with the right to vote came the responsibility of the draft and for obvious reasons it wasn't necessarily wanted by the majority of women. The men though along with some brave, strong spirited women knew that it wasn't fair for women not to vote; therefore the bill was passed. This wasn't an amazing thing at the time but now it is truly great, 2+.
  • Roaring 20s (year not specific)

    Roaring 20s (year not specific)
    At the time of the 20s, people acted differently. It could be because of the war just ending and people not knowing what to do or how to act, or maybe it was because of the big boom in the economy. These times were both good and bad, therefore I will rank it 1-. This is because after all the fooling around and booming of the economy there will be a crash and most likely a big one. Other than that and all the prostitution the 20s would have been a fun time for a 21 year old.
  • The world's first insulin treatment is Made

    The world's first insulin treatment is Made
    This is a gigantic step to a bigger picture, showing that Canada has plenty of bright minds and also helping lots and lots of people with diabetes and insulin deficiencies; as diabetes is one of the most studied diseases in the history of medicine. Before insulin injections were a thing they used opium and other drugs to help with insulin levels so as you can imagine insulin injections changed the life of many.
  • The Royal Canadian Air Force is Formed

    The Royal Canadian Air Force is Formed
    This is an important event for the nation of Canada itself and the world. The Royal Canadian Airforce played a key role in the success of the allies in ww2; The Royal Canadian Air Force enlisted 232,000 men and 17,000 women between 1939 and 1945, and operated 86 squadrons, including 47 overseas. Bomber, fighter, reconnaissance, transport, and other missions were flown by Canadians all over the world. Without the RCAF the world might be speaking German right now all under control by hitler, 2+.
  • Wall Street Crash of 1929

    Wall Street Crash of 1929
    This crash was so terrible for the entire world let alone Canada and America. I would rate this crash a 2- due to the impact on the output and input of trades, even causing wheat and other important items to lose rate of input and output. Causing extreme deflation, lost jobs, and overall an environment of panicking people due to the amount of money they had invested. If something like this happened in this day and age it would ruin the lives of billions.