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Nebraska Territory Timeline

  • First Treaty between the Oto Tribe and the United States

    First Treaty between the Oto Tribe and the United States
    This meeting was the Otos first official cession of land and many more followed after it. This was the first compromise between Indian tribes and the United States.
  • Pre Emption Act of 1841

    Pre Emption Act of 1841
    This act was made to stop illegal squatters in the land. It gave people over 21 land for a very cheap price if they were a citizen or were intending to be a citizen.
  • The Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The Treaty of Fort Laramie
    The Treaty of Fort Laramie (Also known as the horse creek treaty) was a deal made between the United States and all the plains Indians to ensure that the trails going through Indian territory would be safe.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas Nebraska Act passed
    The Kansas Nebraska act was made to establish a railroad going to the west. When this act passed the Nebraska and Kansas territories were created and this area was not open to be settled.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The civil war was fought in the United States over slavery after the south ceded from the Union to try and preserve slavery. The Union won and slavery was abolished. Abraham Lincoln was the Union's President.
  • The Homestead Act Passed

    The Homestead Act Passed
    The Homestead act was passed by president Lincoln to help new territories get settled. The act allowed people over the age of 21 to acquire land for free if they settled the land and improved it.
  • Charter for Transcontinental Railroad

    Charter for Transcontinental Railroad
    This act was signed by Abraham Lincoln to start building the railroad. It wasn't until many years later that the railroad started being built but once it was built it was a great transportation source for the United States.
  • Morrill act passed

    Morrill act passed
    The Morrill Act got passed in 1862 to give land to Nebraska and other states to start colleges and universities. This act resulted in the University of Nebraska Lincoln.
  • Plum Creek Masacre

    Plum Creek Masacre
    This was a massacre by the Arapaho, Lakota, and Cheyenne Indians that took place near present day Lexington. Some people died during this massacre and it stopped travel and many people left the area.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    The Sand Creek Massacre was an attack on Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes by the U.S. Army. Many Indians died including chiefs.
  • Period: to

    Construction of the Transcontinental Railroad

    The transcontinental railroad was made to connect the east to the west in a fast and efficient way. As the railroad was being built many towns popped up around it and it is still used today.
  • Nebraska Becomes a State

    Nebraska Becomes a State
    Nebraska was the 37th state to enter the Union. Andrew Johnson admitted Nebraska as a state.
  • Treaty With Lakota Indians

    Treaty With Lakota Indians
    This treaty was made in 1892 and it moved the Lakota Indians out of their land and opened the area for settlers.