Nebraska territories

  • The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government

    The first treaty between the Oto Tribe and the US government
    It was the first treaty with the oto.
  • Preemption Act of 1841 passed

    Preemption Act of 1841 passed
    It let squatters buy land for cheap.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act passed

    Kansas-Nebraska Act passed
    It made a line that cut the states in half north and south also making a railroad there.
  • Period: to

    Civil War

    The war between the northern Unoin and southern confederates.
  • Homestead Act passed

    Homestead Act passed
    It gave 160 acres to anyone who would farm it.
  • The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed

    The Charter for the Transcontinental Railroad passed
    It was A act that supported people who helped build the railroad.
  • Morrill Act passed

    Morrill Act passed
    It is the act that made UNL.
  • Plum Creek Massacre

    Plum Creek Massacre
    A group Indians killed thirteen settlers.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    When the army killed innocent Indians.
  • Nebraska becomes a State

    Nebraska becomes a State
    When they made Nebraska a state.
  • The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe

    The treaty in 1892 between the US government and the Lakota Tribe
    It was a treaty between the Lakota and The U.S.
  • The first Treaty of Fort Laramie

    The first Treaty of Fort Laramie
    The first treaty of fort Laramie literally.