
  • mount Unzen eruption

    the eruption made a 4000 foot lava dome sweeping over the city of shimabara until it reached the ocean causing a tsunami
  • Edo earthquake

    this earth quake was 7.0 magnitude it struck where is now tokyo
  • mount Bandai eruption

    fast flowing lava buried villages on the northern foot of the mountain and devastated the eastern part of Bandai region
  • 1896 Sanriku Earthquake

    the sanriku earthquake was a 8.5 on the rector scale and caused two tsunami waves and it happened at Iwate Prefecture
  • kanto earthquake

    the kanto earthquake had a magnitude of 7.9 and struck Izu Oshima island
  • 1933 Sanriku earthquake

    the sanriku earthquake was a 8.4 magnitude causing a tsunami similar the earthquake that happened there almost 40 years ago
  • Tōnankai earthquake

    during world war 2 a earthquake occured in the region of Tōnankai it was 8.1 on the rector scale and caused a tsunami.
  • typhoon Ida

    Typhoon Ida hit the Kantō area with strong winds and heavy rain causing floods and landslides
  • the great Hanshin earthquake

    the earthquake was measured at 6.9 on the rector scale and struck the Awaji island
  • Tohoku earthquake and tsunami

    the earthquake was 9.0 on the rector scale and then caused tsunami. the earthquake happened in the ocean causing the earthquake