• DAP foundation

    DAP foundation
    Anti-liberal and racist program and violent practiques.
  • Period: to

    Timeline of the nazism.

  • Putsch of the Brewery or Putsch of Munich

    Putsch of the Brewery or Putsch of Munich
    failure of the strike, hitler is sentenced to five years of prison, he will only comply 9 months. During this time, Hitler writes "my fight"
  • Hitles became Chancellor

    Hitles became Chancellor
    In the 1932 elections, neither party had an absolute majority, and, pressured, Hindenburg named Hitler Chancellor.
  • First concentration camp

    First concentration camp
    The first concentration camp was that of Dachau, near Munich, opened in March 1933. Its first captives were political dissidents.
  • Night of the long knives

    Night of the long knives
    Reichstag fire. Purge carried out by the Nazi party, in which several members of the German National Socialist Labor Party, among others, were killed.they blamed the communists. A day later, they got Hindenburg to sign the decree for the Protection of the People and the State, which suspended the rights of assembly, freedom of expression and of the press, and other constitutional guarantees.
  • Hitler proclaims himself FÜRHER and achieves all-powerful power

    Hitler proclaims himself FÜRHER and achieves all-powerful power
    When the president dies, Hindenburg, in August 1934. Hitler accumulates the positions of president and chancellor and the army swears him unconditional obedience
  • The Nuremberg Laws

    The Nuremberg Laws
    They were laws of a racist nature
  • The night of broken glass

    The night of broken glass
    It was an outbreak of violence against Jews throughout the Reich. Caused by the fury of the Germans for the murder of a German official at the hands of a Jew.
  • The Winter Velodrome raid

    The Winter Velodrome raid
    Raid carried out in France against the Jews during the Second World War.
  • Adolf Hitler's death

    Hitler committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a gun with his wife Eva Braun, who resorted to cyanide poisoning.