Nazis Rise

  • Birth of Satan

    Birth of Satan
    Adolf Hitler is born
  • Nazis Emerge

    The National Socialist German Workers’ Party (NSDAP)(Nazis) a political party rises pushing for nationalism, and used anti-Semitic ideas.
  • Nazis Party's Fate Changes

    Nazis Party's Fate Changes
    Adolf Hitler is a changing factor in the Nazis Party. He attends his first Nazis meeting as a spy for the army
  • Political Fight

    Political Parties(including the Nazi Party) fight for President and Chancellor of The Weimar Republic.
  • New Leader

    Hitler declares himself the absolute leader of the Nazis Party. Hitler forms an Enforcement Group to deal with his opponents.
  • The Speech

    Hitler gives speech blaming groups for Germany's problems: the politicians who signed the Treaty of Versailles, liberals, si=ocialists, communists, and the Jewish Bankers, all of whom plotted to destroy the German State.
  • Nazis Supports

    Nazis became popular with farmers, small business owners, and others in the middle-class who felt ignored or betrayed by the Weimar government. Though they were not so popular in the congress of Germany.
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    Nazis' Position in Reichstag

    Reichstag Seat Elections
    May 1928-12 Nazis seats in Reichstag
    September 1930-107 Nazis seats in Reichstag
    July 1932-230 Nazis seats in Reichstag
  • The Great Depression

    A time when Germany was politically and economically unstable. This led to many German voters to look for more radical parties, such as Adolf Hitler and the Nazis Party.
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Concentration Camps Opening
    Hitler begins the opening of concentration camps, designed to inprison those who opposed the Nazis Party.
  • The Chancellor Deal

    The Chancellor Deal
    Hindenburg agreed to Hitler and Franz Von Papen to pick advisors and offered the chancellorship to Hitler and inviting him to form a government
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    The fire that burned down Reichstag led to Hitler's full control of power.
  • The Enabling Act

    The Enabling Act allowed Hitler and Nazis' to govern without reference to the Reichstag. They could also bypass the constitution, initiate taxes, spending, and determine foreign policy, all without the approval of the Reichstag.
  • The New Rule

    The New Rule
    Nazis party declares that anyone who tries to make a new or maintain another political party shall be punished with imprisonment. The Nazis Party shall be the only political party.
  • Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath

    Hindenburg’s Death and the Aftermath
    President Hindenburg died and Hitler became absolute leader of Germany; taking control of the government, armed forces, and head of state. Hitler held a vote to get the public approval for these new changes; nine-tenths of the Germans approved. Some believe the vote had been rigged.
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    Hitler began his Four-Year Plan, a schedule to prepare the nation's military for war. In 4 years Germany's armed forces grew with more than 8,000 aircraft, 95 warships, and 900,000 soldiers
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    The Austrian Chancellor how to vote for Austrian Independence, but Hitler claimed that it was rigged and told the chancellor to relinquish power to the Austrian Nazis or face invasion. The chancellor requested help from Britain and France but they refused and the chancellor resigned. the next day Hitler joins Austria and Germany under one government
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    During the month of September Hitler wanted to enter and move into Czechoslovakia and the British intervened and agreed that Hitler could only have a certain part of the land and no more than that. Two days later Hitler rolled into Czechoslovakia,