Nazi's Rise to Power

By hwrig19
  • Germany Suffers Hyperinflation

    The value of Germany's currency was wiped out
  • Dawes Plan

    Germany received loans to help rebuild its economy
  • Locarno Treaty

    Germany accepted its western borders put in place by the Treaty of Versailles
  • Germany Was Admitted to The League of Nations

  • Great Depression

    Germany was hit very hard by the great depression as their loans were cut leaving 6 million germans unemployed
  • 1930 German Election

    The communist party increased its percentage of votes from 10.6 to 13.1 and the Nazi's grew from 2.6 to 18.3 percent
  • 1932 German Election

    Before the election, the Nazi's Paramilitary wing, the sturmabteiling, launched a wave of street violence toward left-wing parties. In the election, the Nazi's received 37.3 percent of the vote.
  • 1933 German Election

    The Nazi's received 43.9 percent of the vote
  • Hitler Becomes Chancellor of The Right-Wing Coalition Government

  • The Enabling Act Gave Hitler Dictatorial Powers

    The Enabling Act gave Hitler and his government the power to make new laws and change the constitution as they wished
  • Nazi's control German social, political, economic and cultural life

    • Communist parties and the SPD were banned and other parties dissolved
    • German communist, socialist and any other anti-Nazi's were sent to concentration camps
  • The Night of The Long Knives

    Hitler used the other paramilitary force, the SS, to murder around 180 SA members and over 200 other political opponents
  • Hindenburg died and Hitler became the absolute ruler of Germany

    He became the commander-in-chief and all soldiers were required to take a personal oath of loyalty towards him
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Jews lost citizenship, Nazi's organised attacks on Jews and their properties and a boycott of Jewish businesses was put in place