Nazi Germany Timeline

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    Alliance formed with Japan and Italy

    For any country that wants to succeed, you need to have allies. For Hitler's plan to work,b he needed allies to succeed. Therefore, he allied with Germany and Italy who later became part of the axis powers.
  • Hitler marches troops into Rhineland.

    Hitler marches troops into Rhineland.
    Rhineland was a demilitarized zone in Germany. The treaty of Versailles prevented Germany from having troops in cetain areas. By marching in troops, he was breaking the agreement in the treaty.
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    Sudentland wants a return the reich

    Sudentland was a part of Czechoslovakia that was once Germany. Hitler wanted more land. He secretively funded Sudnetland to want to be a part of Germany.
  • Invasion of Austria

    Hitler chose Austri as his first tagret. He tried to secretly work something out with Austria's prime minister, but the prime mnister refused. Therefore, this was the outcome.
  • Hitler accuses other countries of being hypocrites

    Hitler claimed to the reichstag that other countries were being hypocrites about complaining about the anti-semitic behavior. Obviously, this was a lie. And as Hitler said, " If you teel a lie enough times, people will start to believe it.
  • Fake Polish Attack on Germany

    Hitler dressed up concentration camp prisoners as Polish soldiers. They had them pretend to attack Germany. German soldiers shot the prisoners and accussed Poland
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    Invasion of Poland

    Hitler bombed the city of Piotrkow on 9/2.
    Hitler conquers Piotrkow in two hours on 9/5.
    Hitler burns Jewish section of Piotrkow and kills any Jew who tried to flee on 9/6
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    Hitler gets control of southern, western, and central Poland. He names this area Warthegau.
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    Jews forced to wear yellow star and more

    The Jews are forced to wear a yellow star patch to symbolize that they are a Jew. Hitler also estalishes 400 ghettos and 437 concentration camps
  • Denmark and Norway Conquered

    Hitler strikes again and this time in Norhtern Europe. He now is in control ofa good portion of Europe.
  • Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister

    Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
    In England, they elected Winston Churchill as their Prime Minister. He later becomes a major factor in the war.
  • Invasion of Russia

    Invasion of Russia
    Hitler breaks yet another treaty. This treaty was a peace treaty between Stalin's Russia and Hitler's Germany.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    On December 9th, 1941, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. The United States declared war with Japan. Two days later, Hitler declares war on the United States.