Wall Street Crash
Majour economic crisis which immensely devastated Germany as they were borrwing money from USA. -
Hitler Appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg
Hitler was finally appointedchancellor by Hundenburg. -
Reichstag Fire
Book Burning from Students
Hitler organized a book burning where students would gather and burn any books which included conecpt against the Nazi ideology -
The Night if the long Knives
Many SA men killed by orders of Hitler because he neded the slliance of the army and also murdered SA leader Rohm who he thought was opposition and obtained too much power upon his hands. -
Germany's Unemployment Hit 6,000,000
Hitler Becomes Furher of Germany!
Kristallnacht - Night of Broken Glass
Nazis destroyed several Jew shops, nuildings and synagogoues. Looked like crystal on streets due to high amount of broken windows. -
Berlin Olympics!
Hitler and Goebbels made sure that the Olympics would show how Germany was a great nation which also increased the proud between the German people. -
Germany's Unemployment Dropped to Only 302,000 in !939
Reoccupied Rhineland
Hitler Invaded Poland
Poland had arger population of Jews = 3million -
World War 2 Begins!
the beginning of a tragedy. -
Half of Germany's 500,000 Jews had Emigrated
Hitler and Army Invaded Russia
Russia which had more than 5million Jews -
Wannsee Conference
to change tactics -
Change in Tactics by Nazis
SS men were having too much work by killing one jew at a time, so they came up with a plan to kill them collectively -
Jews Revolted in Ghettos but Crushed in 10 Days
The July Bomb Plot
Many officers were sure they lost the war and wished to remove Hitler from his place so they left a bomb in Hitler's room, however he survived and Nazis took revenge. -
Nazis Killed More than 6million Jews
Germany Defeated by Allies and Hitler Suicides