Navigation to New Zealand

  • Tonga

    The first Europeans arrived in 1616, when the Dutch explorers Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire spotted Tongans off the coast of Niuatoputapu.
  • Fiji

    The discovery of Fiji was accidental, in 1643 the Dutch explorer Abel Tasman and English investigators including Captain James Cook who sailed through in 1774, and made further explorations in the 18th century.
  • Easter Island

    Easter Island
    The name "Easter Island" was given by the islands first recorded European visitor, the Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen, who encountered it on Easter Sunday 5 April 1722.
  • Samoa

    Samoa was discovered in 1722 by dutchman Jacob Roggeveen, he was the first European to sight the islands in 1722.
  • Tahiti

    In June 23 1767, Captain Samuel Wallis was the first documented explorer to discover the island of Tahiti. 20 years later Captain Samuel Wallis died after facing Tahitians hostility.
  • Hawaii

    Hawaii was discovered in January 18th 1778. It was discovered by the English explorer captain James Cook the first European to travel the Hawaiian islands.
  • New Zealand

    New Zealand
    Long ago when Egypt people were building their pyramids Our Polynesian ancestors were sailing across the pacific sea and the Tasman sea to find new islands, Kupe and his tribe mates traveled through Samoa, Tonga , Fiji , Hawaii , Rarotonga , Tahiti and then they saw New Zealand the long white cloud.
  • Rarotonga

    In October 1813, Captain James Cook announced the first offical sighting of the island Rarotonga, it wasn't until Captain James Cook gave it the Name Rarotonga as Raro means down and Tonga means south.