Natural disasters in Australia

  • Cyclone Mahina 1899

    Cyclone Mahina 1899
    it is one of if not the most intense cyclone ever recorded in the southern hemisphere.
  • Cyclone Ada 1970

    Cyclone Ada 1970
    This Cyclone was small, but intense. There were $12m worth of damage at the time and killed 13 people.
  • Brisbane Flood 1974

    Brisbane Flood 1974
    Floods hit Brisbane, Queensland due to Tropical Cyclone Wanda. Over 900mm of rain was recorded, with a record 314mm falling in just 24 hours.
  • cyclone Tracy 1974

    cyclone Tracy 1974
    It lasted two days, hitting the early hours of Christmas Eve and lasting until Boxing Day, ravaging the city of Darwin, NT.
  • Ash Wednesday Fires 1983

    Ash Wednesday Fires 1983
    there was a ten-month drought that dried out forests so the hot weather, low humidity and strong winds made it ideal conditions for a fire to take hold and spread.
  • Thredbo Landslide 1997

    Thredbo Landslide 1997
    2,000 cubic meters of rock fell at highspeed pushing Carinya Lodge off its foundations onto Bimbadeen lodge. It destroyed the two ski lodges and buried 19 victims.
  • Black Saturday Bushfire 2009

    Black Saturday Bushfire 2009
    The severe heatwave, 43-degree heat and dry conditions days before created an extreme fire risk resulting in a series of bushfires that ignited, burning across the Australian state of Victoria.
  • Cyclone Yasi

    Cyclone Yasi
    Tropical Cyclone Yasi formed in Fiji and as it moved towards the Queensland coast it intensified to severe tropical cyclone status. It brought destructive winds of up to 285 km per hour and 200-300mm of rain in 24 hours.
  • Cyclone Debbie 2017

    Cyclone Debbie 2017
    Debbie left a wake of damage following three days of record winds, and heavy rain. The highest wind gust was 263 km per hour.
  • black summer bushfires 2019-20

    black summer bushfires 2019-20
    lightning ignited a series of fires in East Gippsland, affecting local communities. 150 fires were burning across Victoria and by the end of the day 60 fires were still going. The fires continued to spread across the region over the coming days and months. The fire caused 120 deaths and 1,317 hospitalisations. It affected critical animal habitats and water catchments.