1906 San Francisco Earthquake
- Over 3,000 people died.
- About 80% of San Francisco was destroyed.
- A 7.8 magnitude earthquake strcuk at 5:12 am.
China 1920 Earthquake
- Magnitude of 8.6 -An estimated 200,000 people died -About 200 km (125 mi) of surface faulting was seen from Lijunbu through Ganyanchi to Jingtai.
Hurricane Katrina 2005
- Hurricane Katrina had winds up to 174 mph.
- It was categorized a Category 5 hurricane.
- Had a total of 1,850 fatalities.
Earthquake Haiti 2010
- Magnitude was 7.0 -Death estimate was about 120,000-160,000 -52 aftershocks greater than 4.5 in following 12 days
Japan Tsunami 2011
-Magnitude of 9.0
-An earthquake lasted about 6 minutes
-15,900 deaths, over 6,000 injured, over 2,500 missing