Oct 11, 1138
Aleppo Earthquake (Syria)
- 230,000 people killed
- It made buildings, city walls, and the citadel crumble and fall causing many people to fall to their deaths. This also had people getting crushed by the rocky structures smashing them.
- They moved from city to city collecting bricks to rebuild the citadel. They had many blocks used to rebuild with a lot of people working to fix it.
- magnitude of 7.8
Yellow River Flood (China)
- killing 900,000 people
- The flood covered almost 50,000 square miles. This made people end up homeless. In fact, 2 million were left homeless. The area was a low-lying plains which is very dangerous, because water can spread easier around the area.
- Instead of rebuilding everything around it, they used the river to their advantage by using it for helping make crops. They use it to make wheat, cotton, and tobacco. In fact, it makes 50% of China's wheat, cotton, tobacco.
- 5-catastrophic
Nevado Del Ruiz (Columbia) Volcano Eruption
- killing 23,000/injuring 4,500
- Its impact on the environment was melting many houses and destroying trees. The biggest thing about the volcano is the name it was given, "Sleeping Lion". This made things worse for people not knowing it happening till it hit the cities.
- In this time, it was heartbreaking for tthe people. Nearly costing them, $1,000,000,000 to rebuild. This was one-fifth of their Gross National Product. Many people were homeless.
- 3 VEI Severe