Major Natural Disaters

  • Snow storm in Tennessee

    Snow storm in Tennessee
    A winter storm that struck Tennessee in February 2015 is said to be responsible for the deaths of 30 people.The storm brought heavy amounts of snow and ice to the state and a state of emergency was declared in Tennessee for a few days. Highways were blocked and power outages occurred as trees and power lines were toppled over.
  • Drought in California

    Drought in California
    Although the California drought has been a four-year long disaster, California governor Jerry Brown ordered mandatory water restrictions in 2015 for the first time ever after the entire state was declared to be in drought conditions.
  • Earthquake in Nepal

    Earthquake in Nepal
    The 7.9 magnitude quake swasin April outside of Nepal's capital Kathmandu. More than 9,000 people were killed by the earthquake. Many cultural sites were also destroyed
  • Floods in texas

    Floods in texas
    President Obama declared a state of emergency in Texas in May after heavy rains covered the state with eight inches of water. Homes were wiped and 22 people died from the floods.
  • Earthquake off shores of japan

    Earthquake off shores of japan
    An 8.5 magnitude earthquake struck near Japan back in May 2015. While the quake caused very minor damage and did not trigger a tsunami warning, citizens were alerted because of the 2011 tsunami, which was triggered by an earthquake just off the coast of Japan.
  • Wildfire in Siberia

    Wildfire in Siberia
    Out-of-control wildfires in Russia's Siberian region caused severe damage as they swept through 60 villages and left 23 people dead. Officials blamed the spread of the wildfires in a practice that local farmers use to burn dead grass.
  • Wildfire in Australia

    Wildfire in Australia
    The worst wildfires to happen in South Australia since 1983 burned down dozens of homes and threatened many more in January of 2015. More than 500 firefighters were on the job fighting the blazes in the city of Adelaide.
  • Avalanche in Afghanistan

    Avalanche in Afghanistan
    A series of avalanches in Afghanistan's mountainous Panjshir province in February 2015 led to the deaths of 196 Afghanis. The area was said to be hit by more than 40 avalanches over the period of a week.
  • Volcanic Eruption in Chile

    Volcanic Eruption in Chile
    Chile's Calbuco volcano erupted in April 2015 for the first time in 54 years. The eruption caused about 6,000 local residents to evacuate the area. Dangers from volcanic eruptions include poor air quality and mudslides if rain shortly follows an eruption.
  • Flood in Georgia

    Flood in Georgia
    Floods that came through the country of Georgia in early June destroyed enclosures to a zoo in Tbilisi. Animals from the zoo escaped and ran through the streets after the fact and residents were warned to stay inside as animals were tracked down. Twelve people died from the effects of the flood.