The North Atlantic Treaty
As a fundamental component of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty is a product of the US' desire to avoid overextension at the end of World War II, and consequently pursue multilateralism in Europe. -
Pleven plan
The treaty was initiated by the Pleven plan, proposed in 1950 by then French Prime Minister René Pleven in response to the American call for the rearmament of West Germany. -
Schuman Plan
a proposal to place French and West German production of coal and steel under a single authority that later became the European Coal and Steel Community -
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
adopted many of the Western Union's military structures and plans,[16] including their agreements on standardizing equipment and agreements on stationing foreign military forces in European countries -
Further development
The post of Secretary General of NATO was established as the organization's chief civilian. Turkey’s and Greece’s accession to Nato -
Treaty of Paris
Treaty established the European Defence Community. Provided West Germany‘s accession to NATO. -
West Germany joined NATO
West Germany joined NATO, which led to the formation of the rival Warsaw Pact during the Cold War. -
Warsaw Pact
The major enemy of NATO