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Native American

  • Cherokee Indians are forced to walk to Oklahoma on the Trail of Tears

    I think this is one of the most awful event. 4000 peoples died, just because the president ordered them away.
  • the U.S. and eight Indian nations sign The Fort Laramie Treaty.

    This maybe doesn’t seems like a big deal, but the treaty was using the Indians, which is faul.
  • Chief Sitting Bulls surrenders to U.S. troops

    Chief Sitting Bull is a very known person and he was a very important people, especially to many Sioux uprisings that he was leading.
  • Over 300 Lakota Sioux die in the Wounded Knee Massacre.

    Dead is very important and awful according to me. I think this was a big tragedy because if the white mens wouldn’t see them as enemies, no one would be dead.
  • Jim Thorpe is named the greatest athlete of the first half of the 20th century.

    He was a very important and big athlete and I think this was very big. Also I love sport, so it’s important for me.
  • The first Indian casino opens in Florida.

    This was like the start of the casinos and today is casino very popular, so that’s interesting.