2010 BCE
Canada signs the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
1999 BCE
Nunavut is created in the western Arctic, with lands set aside where Inuit can live, hunt and control sub-surface resources.
1984 BCE
The Inuvialuit Claims Settlement Act gave the Inuit of the western Arctic control over resources.
1984 BCE
The last Indian residential school is closed in BC
1982 BCE
Constitution Act was Introduced
1969 BCE
The "White Paper" was introduced
1960 BCE
Status Indian were awarded the right to vote in Federal Elections
1929 BCE
Great deppretion began
1928 BCE
Sexual Sterilization Act is passed in Alberta, allowing any inmate of a native residential school to be sterilized upon the approval of the school Principal.
1876 BCE
The Indian act was created
1875 BCE
Treaty #5 was signed at Norway House
1873 BCE
Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario had been joined by the administration of BC
1871 BCE
Treaty 1 was Signed
1870 BCE
The first Residential school was opened
1870 BCE
Province of Manitoba was created through the Manitoba act
1867 BCE
British North American Act Gave the Federal Government responsibility for Aboriginals and their Land
1857 BCE
The Gradual Civilization Act is passed by the Legislature of Upper Canada, permanently disenfranchising all Indian and Metis peoples, and placing them in a separate legal categorys than citizens.
1841 BCE
Upper Canada and Lower Canada united to become the Province of Canada.
1821 BCE
The North West company, and Hudson bay company merge
1781 BCE
Another case of smallpox wiped out more then half the Piegan Blackfoots
1776 BCE
The Thirteen Colonies declared independence from Britan
1763 BCE
Royal Proclamation of 1763
1754 BCE
The French and British Fought in the French and Indian War
1701 BCE
39 First Nations tribes and the French government signed the Great Peace of Montreal
Period: 1689 BCE to 1697 BCE
King Williams War took place
1670 BCE
the Hudson’s Bay Company is granted all lands that drain into Hudson Bay.
1621 BCE
One of the first treaties between the Colonists and the Natives was signed
1616 BCE
Smallpox virus killed Native American population in New England
Jul 8, 1524
First Kidnapping was confirmed
The first Indian Reserve was established by the new Jersey colonial assembly
Major changes to the Indian Act were made, removing a number of discriminatory rules