
Native Americans

  • Clyde H. Bellecourt

    Clyde H. Bellecourt
    Clyde Link
    * Found AIM (American Indian Movement).

    *Wanted to fix the Indian Americans life style.Eductaion, housing, and commuinty life.
    *Worked with Bureau of Indian Affairs to list out demands.
    * In 2001 called for change in Minneapolis public school system.
  • Founding of AIM

    Founding of AIM
    AIM Link
    * Help Indians in Urban ghettos, becouse of the goverment displaced them
    * Wanted to establish the Indian demands such as economic independence, protection of legal right, renewal of traditions, and restoration of land illegaly taken away.
    * Accomplishment NA, are eligible for receving goverment funds for buliding homes, schools, and maintain thier community.
  • Occupation of Alcatraz

    Occupation of Alcatraz
    Alcatraz 1 -Movement goals were to:
    gain power, and respect for Indian people
    to reclaim thier land.
    -was a land mark for the Indian American movement.
    -79 origionally set out but only 14 made it
    -The biggest accomplishment was that it gave Indian Americans self-determination.
  • Occupation Of The Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Occupation Of The Bureau of Indian Affairs
    BIA Link *The major goals of the (BIA) were to provied service to Native Americans,and protect thier legal rights.
    *The affairs wanted to restore all the Indian arcs of homeland. *Once the affairs started at washington there were 2000 protesters. Police tried to push the protesters back.
    *After 6 days the goverment agreed on "twenty points"
  • Occupation of Wounded Knee

    Occupation of Wounded Knee
    LINK *killed about 300 Sioux at the Pine Ridge
    *Nixon's decision of banning all of AIM activites.
    *AIM leaders Russell Means and Carter Camp, together with 200 town of Wounded Knee in protest against Wilson's administration
  • Cobell vs Salazar

    Cobell vs Salazar
    • A class action lawsuit
    • plaintif are the native americans
    • Defendants is the us government
    • plantif say that the us government incorrectly accounted for the assest of the native americans
    • Case was settled for $3.4 billion .docxCobell
  • The Claims Resolution Act

    The Claims Resolution Act
    • Ellected as a federal law by the 111th congress
    • Signed in to law by obama
    • This awarded 75,00 eligable farmers $1.5 billion
    Claims Resolution Act
  • Problems Today

    Problems Today
    LINK* Native Americans still face problems like unemployment, economics, and education.
    * Racial discrimnation, and styerotype
    * Isolation of Native tribes in Alaska
  • Accomplishments of Native American Right Movments

    Accomplishments of Native American Right Movments
    LINK * There was several of Rights gained.
    *Native Americans received funding for homes, school, and community.
    * The federal goverment recovered some of the land that were illegal siezed.
    * A growth population of Native Americans.