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Third Seminole War
The Third Seminole War (1855-1858) was the seminoles last stand. After being outgunned and outnumbered , most of them agreed to move to indian reservations in Oklahoma. the-seminole-wars/ -
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Sand Creek Massacre
The Sand Creek Massacre (1864) occurred after about 750 peaceful Cheyenne and Arapaho led by Cheyenne if black kettle were forced to abandon their winter campsite near Fort Lyon in Southeastern Colorado. sand-creek -
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Red Cloud's War
The Red Cloud's War (1866) began as the U.S. Government developed the bozeman trail through Indian territory to allow miners and settler's access to gold in montana territory via the powder river. red-clouds-war -
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Red's River's War
Red River's War was the last major conflict between the U.S Army and the southern plain indians. Medicine lodge treaty of 1867 had settled the southern cheyenne , arapaho , comanche and kiowa on reservations in Indian Territory. texas-time-travel -
Battle of Little Bighorn
The Battle Of Little Bighorn , On June 25, 1876 General George Armstrong Custer led 600 men into the Little Bighorn Valley where they were overwhelmed by approximately 3,000 Sioux and Cheyenne Warriors led by Crazy Horse. Battle-of-the-Little-Bighorn -
Ute War
On September 29, 1879 200 men , Elements of the 4th U.S Infantry and 5th U.S Cavalry under the command of major T.T Thornburgh , were attacked and besieged in Red Canyon by 300 to 400 warriors.
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The Dawes Act
On February 8, 1887 President Grover Cleveland signed The Dawes Act giving the president the ability to divide the land allotted to Native Americans in reservations to other individuals as well.
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Ghost Dance War
An armed conflict between the U.S government and native americans that resulted from a religious movement called the ghost dance. Ghost_Dance_War -
Wounded Knee War
On December 29, 1890 the U.S Army surrounded a group of Ghost Dancers at Wounded Knee Creek near the pine ridge reservations of South Dakota. wounded-knee -
Battle of Leech Lake
The last Indian War an uprising of chippewa occurred when one of their tribe was arrested on Lake Leech in Northern Minnesota. the-battle-of-sugar-point/