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Seminole war
Conflicts between the united states and the Seminole Indians of Florida.
http://seminolewars.org/index.php/history/ -
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Custer and 300 others were killed in the war.
https://www.britannica.com/biography/George-Armstrong-Custer -
The march
120 soldiers were marching east from Tuscon.
https://www.nps.gov/chir/learn/historyculture/apache-wars-cochise.htm -
End of the Dakota war
This is when it ended which was when 38 Indians were hanged.
https://www.mnhs.org/fortsnelling/learn/us-dakota-war -
Sand Creek Massacre
This was a war fought because of the conflict for the control of the great plains.
https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/sand-creek-massacre -
Indian Appropriations Act of 1871
Indians were no longer recognized as an independent nation by the federal government.
https://www.tutor2u.net/history/reference/indian-appropriations-act-of-1871 -
Red River war
A war fought in Northern Texas against the Arapaho, Comanche, Cheyenne and Kiowa tribes.
https://www.texasbeyondhistory.net/redriver/ -
Battle of the Little Bighorn
This the day the battle was fought.
https://www.history.com/topics/native-american-history/battle-of-the-little-bighorn -
Wounded Knee
Indian dancers believed that this specific dance would reunite them with the dead.