Native American Timeline-Pratt's 4th

  • Mvskoke Creek War 1813-1814

    An inter-tribal conflict among multiple Creek Indian groups, with the inclusion of the U.S militia, the British, and Spain. Britain and Spain backed the Indians so the U.S wouldn't get into there countries business
  • Indian Removal Act of 1830

    The forcing of Native Americans off there tribal lands for European settlement.
  • Office of Indian Affairs

    Office of Indian Affairs
    A Native ran office that took care of land disputes
  • Indian Appropriations Act of 1851

    Indian Appropriations Act of 1851
    The establishment of reservations in Oklahoma, which sparked other states to create reservations.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    John Chivington lead a surprise attack on peaceful Cheyanne and Araphos Indians massacring 160 Indians. Even though the Leader of the Indians had tied and American flag up to show they were peaceful.
  • Sioux Treaty

    Peace treaty between the white people and the Sioux tribe, stating they would live in the Black Hills reservation in the Dakota Territory.
  • Dawes Act of 1887

    Dawes Act of 1887
    Allowed the government to divide tribal lands into individual plots.
  • Ghost Dance

    Created by Wovoka, an Indian shaman, it is a ceremony that is said to reunite the dead with the living. It was based off the prophecies he would have, like about the tribes reuniting or that the white man would no longer be on their land.
  • Wounded Knee Massacre

    Wounded Knee Massacre
    The U.S 7th cavalry regiment surrounded the Sioux Indians at the Wounded Knee Creek in South Dakota. While trying to disarm the Sioux shots were fired and a fight started, this lead to the cavalry massacre the Sioux people.
  • U.S Indian Reorganization Act

    instituted a "New Deal" for Native Americans, allowing them to reorganize and create their own tribal governments. It ended the individual land plots and recreated the reservation system.