Native American Timeline- GE

By 5k7s
  • The Gnadenhutten Massacre

    The Gnadenhutten Massacre
    A group of militiamen killed a bunch of Native Americans in Pennsylvania. They were beat to death with wooden mallets. Natives were also blamed for attacks on white settlements which may or may not be true.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    A Shawnee war leader, Tecumseh, and his brother Prophet, convinced a bunch of Indians to stop fighting with each other protect each other instead. In 1811, an Indiana Territorial Governor by the name of William Henry Harrison decided it would be a good idea to attack and burn Prophetstown, an Indian capital. Tecumseh was defeated and killed in 1813 at the Battle of the Thames.
  • The Creek War

    The Creek War
    Aka, the Red Stick War. A big cat fight between two Indian tribes with the U.S involved as well. The British and Spanish helped the Indians keep the Americans away from their interests.
  • Indian Removal Act

    Americans forcibly relocated Native Americans into other territories. Also connected with the Trail of Tears.
  • Indian Appropriations Act

    Aka, the Appropriation Bill for Indian Affairs. Authorized the establishment of reservations in the U.S. Wanted to keep Native Americans off land the white people wanted to settle on.
  • The Sand Creek Massacre

    Indians try and defend themselves from the American forces. The Americans planned a surprise attack on the Indians. They really hate Indians. About 160 were killed that were mostly women and children.
  • Sioux Treaty of 1868

    Sioux Treaty of 1868
    The U.S wanted the Indians to give up their land ang move more into the west. So, they signed a long paper that basically says, "Hey, we don't want to fight anymore. Please move to the west and we can live in peace. We've already killed tons of your people so please go. Thanks!" The Sioux Indians did end up moving further to the west.
  • The Dawes Act

    The Dawes Act
    Americans tried to split up Native Americans and 'civilize' / turn them into U.S. citizens.
  • Sitting Bull

    Sitting Bull, a Chief for the Sioux people, was attending a Ghost Dance. Police officers were scared of his existence so they interrupted the Ghost Dance. They shot and killed Sitting Bull on December 15th. This would mark the beginning of the end of the Indian war.
  • Wounded knee

    Wounded knee
    Two weeks after the murder of Sitting Bull, the U.S surrounded the Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee Creek. The Americans massacred hundreds of them. The survivors fled.
  • US Indian Reorganization Act

    Americans struck a deal with the Native Americans. If they reorganize themselves and act more like Americans, they can live in America. Not all would agree to the deal however.