Native American Rights Movement

  • Period: to

    Relocation of over 200,000 Natives to Urban Areas Occurs

    The Termination policy forced over 200,000 people from their homes and reservations. They were forced to move to populated cities and conform to American culture, and leave their traditions behind. This was a major step that caused many Natives to start fighting back for their freedom.
  • Termination begins under Eisenhower

    Termination begins under Eisenhower
    Under the policy of Termination, congress elected to allow multiple states to have legal jurisdiction over several tribes without their consent. This policy also tranfered many tribal responsibilities to the state and caused many Native Americans to be relocated to urban areas and be forced to quit practicing their traditional culure.
  • Native American Conference in Chicago

    In 1961, some 700 Native Americans for 60+ different nations held a conference in Chicago. Its goal was to oppose the policy of "termination" and create a plan for change. This was a big step for Native Americans attaining the change they wanted.
  • Declaration of Indian Purpose

    The signing of the Declaration of Indian Purpose marked the beginning of the event the became known as the Red Power Movement. The movement helped to unify many Native Americans in a fight for changes to common challenges they faced.
  • American Indian Movement (AIM) Founded

    American Indian Movement (AIM) Founded
    Founded in 1968, by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, and multiple others, called for a revival of Native American culture, independence, and better education. The movement focued on urban Natives and quickly became an important part of its larger counterpart, The Red Power Movement. image from
  • Occupation of Alcatraz Begins

    Occupation of Alcatraz Begins
    Date marks the beginning of the occupation of Alcatraz Link to short clip of real protest footage: image from"Welcome_to_Indian_Land"_graffiti.jpeg
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    Occupation of Alcatraz

    The abandoned island of Alcatraz was taken over by a group of Native Americans that claimed the island represented the poor conditions they dealt with on reservations. The event was extensively covered by media and drew attention to their cause for change. The government forcibly removed them from the island in the end, however.