Native american rights

  • Dennis Banks

    Dennis Banks
    Cool guy Jim Born on April 12, 1937 Dennis Banks was a Co-founder of the American Indian Movement (AIM). He participated in, and helped to organize many of the protests, and movements against discrimination issues. Dennis Banks dedicated his life to improving American Indian lives, and achieving equality, and American Indian civil rights.
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    native american rights movement

  • AIM (American Indian Movement)

    AIM (American Indian Movement)
    AIMbib An organization founded in Minneapolis, Minnesota by Dennis Banks, Clyde Bellecourt, Eddie Benton Banai, and George Mitchell. The original purpose of AIM was to help American Indians who had been forced from their reservations into urban ghettos. Eventually their goals expanded to encompass a much larger variety of American Indian demands in regards to civil rights.
  • Occupation of Alcatraz

    Occupation of Alcatraz
    The treatie of Fort Laramie was a treaty between the U.S and the Sioux that gave all retired abandoned U.S property to the native americans. So when Alcatraz was shut down a group of Native Americans went over to Alcatraz to calim it multiple times but the coast guard kept on kicking them off the island. But eventually government cut off water and power. But this act of civil disopedience led to over 200 mor cases of civil disopedience and was the spark for native american civil rights action.
  • Trail of Broken Treaties

    Trail of Broken Treaties
    A march on Washington in which AIM demanded the restoration of 110 million acres of land and the abolishion of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
  • Occupation of buraeu of native american affairs

    Occupation of buraeu of native american affairs
    Barbara Ann The cause of this occupation was the march of broken treaties in which Native American sought restoration of land the elimination of the BIA which they believed was corrupt. They destroyed records and caused 2 million in property damage.
  • Operation of wounded knee by Oglala Sioux

    Operation of wounded knee by Oglala Sioux
    200 Oglala SIoux and members of AIM went to the Pine Ridge and took residents of the reservation as hostages and demend the government go through on treaties they made in the 19th and 20th century. Shortly afterwards police arrived and a 71 day standoff began. 2 sioux men where killed and several others got injured. Very little got accomplished from this.
  • Cobell v. Salazar and the claims resolution act

    Cobell v. Salazar and the claims resolution act
    The largest class action lawsuit where a bunch of native americans won money in the case the total amount given out has been 3.4 billion the money was given out because the feds had control of native american land that was leased out and got forgotten about.