The Dawes Act
The Dawes Act split Native American land into individual plots and allowed extra land to be sold to settlers. Legislation passed by congress that split up Indian reservation lands among individual Indians and promised them citizenship. It disrupted their way of life, forced them to split away from what they knew. This happened because the Americans wanted the land the Indians had.
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The Indian Reorganization Act
The Indian Reorganizations Act let Indians set up tribal business councils and stopped the sales of tribal land. It secured rights to Native Americans. Tried to provide an economy for people in Indian Reservations. -
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Termination Policy
Ended the status of Indians as wards of the government and granted them all the rights and perogatives pertaing to American citizenship. Stopped ferderal services froms reloacting the reservations to cities. 200,000 citizens resettled, they didn't have the resources they needed so most were very poor. -
The American Indian Chicago Conference
700 American and 64 nations held a conference in Chicago to oppose the termination policy and create a political agenda for change. D'Arcy McNickle drafter Declaration of Indian Purpose, gave Indians control over their lives and stopped termination. It was the start of organized movement. -
The American Indian Movement (AIM)
Called for the renewal of traditional culture, economic in dependence, and better eduation for Indian children. AIM became a major force behind the larger Red Power Movement. AIM sometimes used more forceful methods. AIM was improtant becasue it put Indian rights in the public eye and laid the ground work in regaining their identity. -
Indian Education Act
It recognized that Indians have different acedemic needs than the American students. It provides services to American Indians and Alaska Natives that were not already provided. It established the Office of Indian Education also the National Advisory Council on Indian Children.