Trail of Tears
Part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. SIGNIFICANCE: 1 out of 4 native american indians died on the walk, one of the most tragic and shameful events in american history Picture: http://educators.brainpop.com/bp-topic/trail-of-tears/ -
Dawes Act
American Indian tribal land was divided up into allotments for individual indians. Individuals who lived seperatly from the tribe were granted citizenship. This act was enforced by the U.S. Govenrment. SIGNIFICANCE: Native Americans were seen as individuals instead of part of a tribe. Pulled native americans away from their culture and attempted to americanize them, as well as their land. Picture:http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.com/2012/02/10/marty-two-bulls-dawes-act -
Indian Termination Policy
Assimilation of Native Americans into mainstream American society in an attempt to desegreate the NA population. SIGNIFICANCE: Experienced a school dropout rate of 75% in Wisconsin, making it hard for them to be US Citizens. Unemployment and poverty. Link: http://www.nrcprograms.org/site/PageServer?pagename=airc_hist_terminationpolicy
Picture: http://www.unnaturalcauses.org/video_clips.php -
Alcatraz Occupation
This was a Native American takeover of the federal prison of Alcatraz that they claimed was their land because it was unused federal land. SIGNIFICANCE: Effected the Federal Indian Policy Link: http://www.pbs.org/itvs/alcatrazisnotanisland/activism.html
picture:http://kids.britannica.com/elementary/art-90035/In-1964-a-group-of-Native-Americans-claimed-that-Alcatraz -
Indian Education Act
This was the federal Govenment's attempt to give Native Americans education by providing federal funding for all Native Americans to go to school reguardless of grade level. SIGNIFICANCE: Improved native american education systems and helped further integrate them as US Citizens Link: http://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/oese/oie/history.html
Picture:http://www.mightylaws.in/970/rte-light-society-unaided-private-schools-rajasthan-union-india -
Casino Rights
In 2005 the U.S. gave Indians the exclusive rights to having Casinos to generate revenue for their tribes.
SIGNIFICANCE: Positive impact on the tribes and helps to advance their culture Link: http://www.blackjackforumonline.com/content/blumenin.htm